Thursday, July 12, 2012

D2: 10 min sit-ups

I did this for 2 days and then life happened and I missed a day so I'm back to day 2. 10 min of sit-ups makes a big difference quickly. I see less rolls when I look in the mirror. So excited!!!

New rule!

If I miss a day for any reason the week experiment has to start over.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Week #2: 10 minutes of sit-ups

Since last week was so successful I had to think carefully about what I really wanted. Right now my mid section needs some attention and hopefully will help my daily 1st series practice be lighter and even more peppy!

1. Daily practice of 10 min. sit-ups but can be at anytime of day
2. Must be a diverse practice
3. Must try my best to maintain proper alignment

What I hope for is some inches off my mid section. What I wonder is will it help or effect more than just looks?

W1: Accomplished!!!

All I can say is I feel great! Still sore each morning I wake up but after practice I'm good. Though I wonder now if I have the correct sequence... I'm going to consult my Ashtanga friends continue to keep rocking this.

So I guess the experiment worked... I am totally hooked on 1st series! Now to do it another week and see how I feel. :)

I'm guessing that my practice will keep evolving. Also keep in mind I practice other yoga during the day and/or try to get to a spin class.

Overall this week made me feel accomplished, motivated and inspired!

What to do this week?